About the Zera Shimshon

Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani z”tl, known as the Zera Shimshon, lived during the 1700s in Reggio, Italy. He was a close disciple of the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh and was a great Talmid Chacham - Torah scholar.

Zera Shimshon wrote commentaries on the Torah & Scriptures. He even wrote a commentary on the Zohar - a book written by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai z”tl, on deep Torah thoughts and mysticism. However, Zera Shimshon felt other great Torah scholars wrote on it extensively that he asked for his teachings to be buried with him.

Rabbi Shimshon Chaim was blessed with only one son, who passed away at a young age during his lifetime. With no continuity of his family, Rabbi Shimshon Chaim published his teachings one year before he passed away in a book and called it Zera Shimshon - the seed (offspring) of Shimshon. He also published his teachings under the title Toldos Shimshon - the children of Shimshon.

Rabbi Shimshon Chaim passed away on the 6th of Elul, 1779, in Reggio, Italy. At his levaya - eulogy/funeral, he was revered as the sage of the generation for his knowledge of Torah and his great love for the Jewish people. Many great Rabbi’s, such as the CHIDA - Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai, wrote many great things in his honor and wisdom.